Raman lidar system for the hydrogen molecules remote sensing in atmosphere
Privalov V.E.1, Shemanin. VG2,3
1Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Belgorod State Technological University (Novorossiisk Branch), Novorossiisk, Russia
3Novorossiisk Polytechnic Institute (Branch of Kuban State Technological University), Novorossiisk, Russia
Email: vaevpriv@yandex.ru, shemanin-v-g@nb-bstu.ru

Computer simulation of the Raman lidar equation for measurement of the hydrogen molecules at the concentration level of 1013 cm-3 and higher in atmosphere at the ranging distances up to 100 m in the synchronous photon counting mode and selection of such a lidar optimal parameters have been fulfilled. It is shown that for hydrogen molecules concentration of N(z)=1013 cm-3 measurement at the distances from 5 to 100 m the measurement time t is in the range from 3.83 s to 26.5 min, for measurement of concentration N(z) = 1015 cm-3 - from 38 ms to 15.9 s and for the concentration measurement of N(z) = 1017 cm-3 - already from 0.4 ms to 160 ms, respectively. Keywords: Raman lidar, hydrogen molecule, concentration, ranging distance, laser radiation wavelength.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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