Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Structural and spectral characteristics of Pr1-xLuxBO3 orthoborates
Shmurak S. Z. 1, Kedrov V. V. 1, Kiselev A. P. 1, Fursova T. N. 1, . Zver'kova I. I. 1
1Osipyan Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia

The structure, IR absorption and luminescence spectra of Pr0.99-xLuxEu0.01BO3 orthoborates synthesized at 970oC were studied at 0≤ x≤0.99. An increase in the concentration of lutetium leads to a sequential change of the structural state of the orthoborates. At first, the orthoborates are single-phase and have an aragonite structure (0≤ x≤0.1). Then, they become two-phase and contain the aragonite and vaterite phases (0.1<x<0.6). With a further increase in x (0.6<x≤0.8), the compounds are single-phase with a vaterite structure, then they contain the vaterite and calcite phases (0.8<x≤0.95), and, finally, they become single-phase with a calcite structure (0.95<x≤0.99). An unambiguous correspondence between the structural modification and IR spectra of these compounds was established. It is shown that the emission of Eu3+ ions is observed in samples where the concentration of europium exceeds that of praseodymium. Keywords: rare earth orthoborates, X-ray diffraction analysis, crystal structure, IR spectroscopy, luminescence spectra.
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