Kuzenko D. V.
11Research Institute "Reactivelectron", Donetsk, Russia
Email: danil.kuzenko.84@yandex.ru
The paper presents a study of the temperature dependence of the permittivity ε(T) of quantum ferroelectrics KTaO3 and SrTiO3 and the solid solution based on them (SrTiO3)0.85-(KTaO3)0.15 at temperatures from 5 to 300 K, for the description of which an exponential function with the Boltzmann probability factor and a self-consistent pre-exponential factor is used. It is shown that such an approach in the low-temperature quantum limit is consistent with the Barrett formula, and in the high-temperature limit - with the Curie-Weiss law. Based on this, the activation energies of the processes occurring in three selected temperature ranges (5-30; 30-80; 80-300 K) are determined, where the dependence ε(T) has an exponential form. It is assumed that for KTaO3 and SrTiO3 such activation processes are caused by the temperature excitation of phonons when approaching the Debye temperature. For (SrTiO3)0.85-(KTaO3)0.15 the deviation of the ε(T) dependence at T=30-80 K from the exponential one is explained by phonon-phonon interactions of normal modes of crystal vibrations. Keywords: quantum ferroelectric, activation energy, strontium titanate, potassium tantalate, permittivity, phonons.
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