Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Justification of empirical constitutive equations of a material state under quasi-static deformation within the framework of the acoustoplastic effect
Glazov A. L.1, Muratikov K. L. 1, Sukharev A. A. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

A modified model of the acoustoplastic effect is proposed. Within its framework, the processes of elastic and plastic deformation of materials are considered. The conditions under which it leads to widely used empirical models for the dependence of stress on deformation (Johnson-Cook, Voce, and Hollomon models) are analyzed. The features of using these empirical models are revealed. The relationship between the constants used in these empirical models and such material parameters as internal friction stress, activation volume of defects, their relaxation time and their equilibrium concentration, as well as with the parameter characterizing the degree of interaction of defects, is determined. Keywords: deformation, mechanical stress, polycrystalline structures, activation mechanism, defects.
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