Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Characterization of wide-bandgap layers in laser structures based on CdHgTe
Ruzhevich M.S.1, Mynbaev K. D. 2, Bazhenov N.L. 2, Dorogov M.V. 1, Dvoretskii S.A. 3, Mikhailov N.N. 3, Remesnik V.G. 3, Uzhakov I.N.3
1ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
3Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

The results of a study of the optical and structural properties of wide-bandgap (x~0.7) layers in laser heterostructures based on CdxHg1-xTe solid solutions grown by molecular beam epitaxy on (013)GaAs substrates, as well as epitaxial films similar to these layers in chemical composition, are presented. It is shown that the position of the maximum of the photoluminescence spectrum and the nature of its temperature shift are related to the disordering of the composition of the solid solution. Shallow and deep acceptor levels were found in the bandgap. The possible influence of disordering and acceptor levels in laser structures on the energy spectrum of carriers is discussed. Keywords: CdHgTe, laser structures, photoluminescence, defects, structural properties.
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  2. V.V. Utochkin, K.E. Kudryavtsev, A.A. Dubinov, M.A. Fadeev, V.V. Rumyantsev, A.A. Razova, E.V. Andronov, V.Ya. Aleshkin, V.I. Gavrilenko, N.N. Mikhailov, S.A. Dvoretsky, F. Teppe, S.V. Morozov. Nanomaterials 12, 15, 2599 (2022).
  3. L.A. Kushkov, V.V. Utochkin, V.Ya. Aleshkin, A.A. Dubinov, K.E. Kudryavtsev, V.I. Gavrilenko, N.S. Kulikov, M.A. Fadeev, V.V. Rumyantsev, N.N. Mikhailov, S.A. Dvoretsky, A.A. Razova, S.V. Morozov. Semiconductors 54, 1365 (2020)
  4. M.A. Fadeev, A.A. Dubinov, V.Ya. Aleshkin, V.V. Rumyantsev, V.V. Utochkin, V.I. Gavrilenko, F. Teppe, H.- V. Hubers, N.N. Mikhailov, S.A. Dvoretsky, S.V. Morozov, Quantum Electron. 49, 6, 556 (2019)
  5. V.Ya. Aleshkin, V.V. Rumyantsev, K.E. Kudryavtsev, A.A. Dubinov, V.V. Utochkin, M.A. Fadeev, G. Alymov, N.N. Mikhailov, S.A. Dvoretsky, F. Teppe, V.I. Gavrilenko, S.V. Morozov. J. Appl. Phys. 129, 13, 133106 (2021)
  6. V.A. Shvets, N.N. Mikhailov, D.G. Ikusov, I.N. Uzhakov, S.A. Dvoretsky. Optics and Spectroscopy 127, 340 (2019)
  7. K.D. Mynbaev, N.L. Bazhenov, A.M. Smirnov, N.N. Mikhailov, V.G. Remesnik, M.V. Yakushev. Semiconductors 54, 1561 (2020)
  8. K.D. Mynbaev, A.M. Smirnov, N.L. Bazhenov, N.N. Mikhailov, V.G. Remesnik, M.V. Yakushev. J. Electron. Mater. 49, 8, 4642 (2020)
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  10. K.D. Mynbaev, S.V. Zablotsky, A.V. Shilyaev, N.L. Bazhenov, M.V. Yakushev, D.V. Marin, V.S. Varavin, S.A. Dvoretsky. Semiconductors 54, 208 (2016)
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  12. K.D. Mynbaev, N.L. Bazhenov, V.I. Ivanov-Omskii, N.N. Mikhailov, M.V. Yakushev, A.V. Sorochkin, V.G. Remesnik, S.A. Dvorestkiy, V.S. Varavin, Yu.G. Sidorov. Semiconductors 45, 872 (2011)
  13. D.A. Andryushchenko, M.S. Ruzevich, A.M. Smirnov, N.L. Bazhenov, K.D. Mynbaev, V.G. Remesnik. Semiconductors 56, 13, 2063 (2022)
  14. N. Mikhailov, V. Shvets, D. Ikusov, I. Uzhakov, S. Dvoretsky, K. Mynbaev, P. Dluzewski, J. Morgiel, Z. Swiatek, O. Bonchyk, I. Izhnin. Phys. Status Solidi B 257, 5, 1900598 (2020)

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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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