Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Construction of an approximate solution for an Ising magnet in an external magnetic field
Semkin S. V.1, Smagin V. P. 1, Lavrushina E. G.1
1Vladivostok State University, Vladivostok, Russia

A method of approximate calculation of the magnetization of an Ising magnet located in an external magnetic field is proposed. This method is based on using an exact or approximate expression for the spontaneous magnetization of an Ising magnet on the same lattice. The method uses the ratio of effective fields for clusters of one and two lattice nodes. Using the proposed method for a magnet located in an external field, the dependence of magnetization on temperature and the magnitude of the external field is calculated. The proposed method is applied in the work to the solution in the mean field approximation, to the solution in the Beta approximation and to the exact solution on a square lattice; for all these solutions, critical indices characterizing the behavior of a magnet in an external field are calculated. Keywords: the Ising model, phase transitions, the influence of an external field.
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