Physics of the Solid State
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Change of fractal geometry of microcracks during deformation: X-ray microtomography, acoustic emission and discrete element modeling
Damaskinskaya E. E. 1, Hilarov V. L. 1, Krivonosov Yu. S. 2, Buzmakov A. V. 2, Asadchikov V. E. 2, Frolov D. I.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia

The aim of the work was to directly observe and further analyze defects (microcracks) developing in the sample volume of natural heterogeneous material under the action of uniaxial compressive load. X-ray computed microtomography was used to detect defects in the volume. The peculiarity of the experiments is that tomographic survey of the sample under the action of load was performed. Based on the analysis of tomographic data, three-dimensional models of the defect structure were constructed and the fractal dimension of the microcrack system was calculated. Numerical experiments on the fracture of samples of heterogeneous materials were carried out using the discrete element model. The change of fractal dimension of foci of destruction during their growth is investigated. A good agreement between the results of computer modeling and laboratory experiments has been established, which allows us to speak about the adequacy of the proposed model. Keywords: X-ray micro-CT, defect evolution, computer modeling, discrete element method, acoustic emission, fractal dimension
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