Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Magnetocaloric effect in the Fe/FeAl/Fe structure
Pashenkin I. Yu.1, Polushkin N. I.1, Sapozhnikov M. V.1,2, Tatarskiy D. A.1,2, Fraerman A. A.1
1Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

The magnetocaloric properties of a thin FeAl(5) layer between strong Fe ferromagnets in the layered system Cr(50)/CoSm(30)/Fe(1)/FexAl1-x(5)/Fe(5)/Ta(5) (x=0.55) have been studied experimentally. An increase in the magnetcaloric efficiency Δ S/Δ H is expected in such structures (Δ S is the change in magnetic entropy, Δ H is the magnitude of the applied magnetic field), due to the exchange coupling at the interfaces between the interlayer and the surroundings. Δ S/Δ H values have been determined from measurements of magneto-optical rotation curves using Maxwell's relation. A sharp increase in this parameter is discovered when the measurement temperature is increased to T*=400 K. A further increase in temperature above T* led to destruction of the structure due to mixing of the layers. As the Fe concentration in the interlayer decreased below the value x=0.55, the magnetization of the interlayer and the TC value in it strongly decreased. Keywords: magnetocaloric effect, magnetic heterostructures, exchange at interfaces, Curie temperature.

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