Physics of the Solid State
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1D Chains of composite nanoparticles graphene : h-BN and fluorinated graphene : V2O5 on a nanostructured polimer surface
Antonova I. V. 1,2, Seleznev V. A. 1, Nebogatikova N. A.1, Ivanov A. I.1, Tumashev V. S.1
1Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia

The structures formed by applying suspensions of composite nanoparticles onto grating of an array of extended grooves formed using imprint nanolithography on the polymer surface were studied. Fluorinated graphene (FG)-coated V2O5 nanoparticles or graphene (G) : h-BN composite nanoparticles were deposited on the polymer using 2D printing. It has been shown that treatment of polymer grating with oxygen plasma, or additional sputtering and removal of a gold layer modify the surface properties and make it possible to organize various options for the assembly of nanoparticles on a structured polymer surface. Without treatment, the surface of the grating is hydrophobic and nanoparticles practically do not interact with it. Treatment with oxygen plasma led to the formation of a layer of nanoparticles over the entire surface of the grating, primarily filling the nanogrooves. Long-term activation was achieved by sputtering gold followed by mechanical removal using an adhesive transfer method. In the case of long-term surface activation, nanoparticles are located exclusively on the upper part of the polymer strips, practically without reducing the depth of the grating relief. FG : V2O5 particles are located in the middle of the polymer strips (nanocrests), while G : h-BN formed two 1D chains of nanoparticles along the edges of the ridge. Keywords: imprint lithography, polymer grating, long-term activation, nanoparticles, 1D chains, electrical properties.
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