Physics of the Solid State
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Simulation of two-vortex spin-transfer nano-oscilators with maximum operating frequency
Ekomasov E. G.1, NeradovskyD. F.2, Antonov G. I.1, Filippova V. V.3
1Ufa University of Science and Technology, Ufa, Russia
2University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia
3Institute of Molecule and Crystal Physics, Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia

The influence of spin-polarized current and the thickness of magnetic layers on the coupled dynamics of vortices in small-diameter spin-transfer nanooscillators is studied. The nanooscillator has two magnetic permalloy layers (containing magnetic vortices), separated by a non-magnetic copper layer. Using analytical and numerical methods, the nonlinear dynamics of two magnetostatically coupled magnetic vortices under the influence of a spin-polarized electric current was studied. Numerical calculations of the dynamics of magnetostatically coupled vortices were carried out using the SpinPM micromagnetic modeling software package. Conditions have been found for obtaining a maximum frequency in such systems and increasing the range of currents in which a stationary mode of coupled vortex oscillations is observed. For the case of two identical magnetic layers, the possibility of the emergence of new scenarios of coupled vortex dynamics is shown. Keywords: magnetic vortex, spin-transfer nanooscillator, nanocylinders.
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