Physics of the Solid State
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Critical thickness and stresses of HgTe layers on HgxCd1-xTe substrates
Dvoretskiy S. A.1, Mikhailov N. N.1, Menshikov R. V.1, Okulov V. I.2, Govorkova T. E.2
1Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
2M.N. Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia

The calculation of the critical thickness of the pseudomorphic layer and the mechanical stresses of HgTe on (013) HgxCd1-xTe substrates at growth temperatures of 120, 150 and 180oC for two dislocation sliding systems was carried out. It was found that the critical thickness of HgTe varies from 40-60 to 1200-1800 nm with a change in x from 0 to 0.9. Mechanical stresses due to the mismatch of the lattice parameters of the HgTe/HgxCd1-xTe heteroparticle vary in the range from 6 to 125 MPa with a change in x and weakly depend on temperature. Mechanical stresses during cooling due to the discrepancy between the coefficients of thermal expansion ranged from -1 to -7 MPa. These results make it possible to predict mechanical stresses in various instrument structures based on the HgTe/HgxCd1-xTe heteropair. Keywords: critical thickness, stresses, composition, HgTe, HgxCd1-xTe, lattice parameter, coefficient of thermal expansion.
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