Effect of neutron and gamma radiation on the interface electrode-piezoceramics*
Smirnova E.P.1, Klimov V.N.2, Guk E.G. 1, Pankratiev P. A. 1, Zaitseva N.V.1, Sotnikov A.V.1, Mukhin E.E. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Central Research Institute of Structural Materials Prometey, National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: emirnoffa@gmail.com, Ais-berg87@mail.ru, elgrguk@gmail.com, pavel-pankratiev@yandex.ru, nvz47@yandex.ru, andrew.sotnikov2014@yandex.ru, e.mukhin@mail.ioffe.ru

Synthesized ceramics of the composition 0.64BiScO3-0.36PbTiO3 with deposited gold electrodes were subjected to irradiation with fast neutrons and gamma rays with a fluence of ~5·1019 n/cm2(γ/cm2) at an energy E>0.1 MeV. The elemental composition of the electrode and the electrode-ceramics interface, as well as the crystal structure of the interface after irradiation, were studied. The experimental results indicate a significant effect of irradiation on the gold electrode and the crystal structure of the interface. Keywords: piezoelectric ceramics, radiation resistance, electrode-piezoceramics interface.

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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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