Physics of the Solid State
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Influence of thulium impurity on dielectric and pyroelectric properties of single crystals of Barium Strontium Niobate
Kislova I. L.1, Sergeeva O. N.1, Shcheglova A. I.1, Zvarich M. S.1, Lykov P. A.2, Ivleva L. I.2
1Tver State University, Tver, Russia
2Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

It has been shown that the introduction of thulium impurity into the crystals of strontium barium (SBN : 61) niobate leads to an increase in the dielectric constant value and the blur region of the phase transition. External field polarization partially stabilizes the polar state of the samples, however, the heterogeneous distribution of polarization across the thickness of the studied samples indicates the existence of regions with a developed domain structure characteristic of highly doped crystals. Keywords: Ferroelectrics, relaxors, pyroelectric effect, polarization distribution, single crystal, SBN.
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