Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Growth regimes of aluminium nitride films on hybrid SiC/Si(111) substrates
Koryakin A.A. 1, Kukushkin S. A. 2, Osipov A. V.2, Sharofidinov Sh. Sh.2
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia

The nucleation mechanism of aluminum nitride films grown by the method of hydride vapor phase epitaxy on hybrid substrates 3C-SiC/Si(111) is theoretically analyzed. The temperature regions and vapor pressure regions of components are determined in which the island growth mechanism and the layer-by-layer growth mechanism are realized. The theoretical conclusions are compared with the experimental data. The morphology of aluminum nitride film on 3C-SiC/Si(111) at the initial growth stage is investigated by the method of scanning electron microscopy. The methods of controlling the change of the growth mechanism from the island growth to the layer-by-layer growth are proposed. Keywords: aluminium nitride, gallium nitride, silicon carbide on silicon, method HVPE, nucleation, wide-bandgap semiconductors, heterostructures.
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