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Cluster approach to synthesis of ternary metal sulfides: using molybdenum disulfide single-layers as a precursor
Golub А.S.1, Lenenko N.D.1, Zubavichus Ya.V.1, Slovokhotov Yu.L.1, Marie A.M.2, Danot M.2, Novikov Yu.N.1
1Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moskow, Russia
2Institut des Materiaux Jean Rouxel, UMR, CNRS-Univ. Nantes, BP, Nantes-Cedex 3, France
Email: golub@ineos.ac.ru
Выставление онлайн: 17 февраля 2002 г.

The reactivity of negatevely charged (MoS2)x- layers in aqueous single-layer dispersions resembles that of molecular Mo-S cluster compounds. These layers form covalent bonds with metal (M) cations (M= Cu, Ag, Pb,Cd, Hg, Pd) giving rise to ternary metal sulfides MzMoS2 whose Mo network contains direct Mo-Mo bonds. This work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants Nos.00-03-32544 and 99-03-32810) and Russian Academy of Sciences (program "Nanomarerials and supramolecular structures").
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  4. M. Danot, J.L. Mansot, A.S. Golub, G.A. Protzenko, P.B. Fabritchnyi, Yu.N. Novikov, J. Rouxel. Mat. Res. Bull. 29, 8, 833 (1994)
  5. A.S. Golub, N.D. Lenenko, Ya.V. Zubavichus, Yu.L. Slovokhotov, M. Danot, Yu.N. Novikov. Russ. Chem. Bull., to be published
  6. A.S. Golub, I.B. Shumilova, Ya.V. Zubavichus, Yu.L. Slovokhotov, Yu.N. Novikov, A.M. Marie, M. Danot. Solid State Ionics 122, 1--4, 137 (1999)

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