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VUV 5d-4f luminescence of Gd3+ and Lu3+ ions in the CaF2 host
Makhov V.N.1,2, Batygov S.Kh.3, Dmitruk L.N.3, Kirm M.2, Vielhauer S.2, Stryganyuk G.4
1P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
3General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
4Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor HASYLAB, Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Email: makhov@sci.lebedev.ru
Выставление онлайн: 20 августа 2008 г.

First observation and characterization of Lu3+ 4f135d-4f14 luminescence from the CaF2 : Lu3+ crystal are reported, and the multi-site structure in the spectra of Ce3+, Gd3+ and Lu3+ ions in the CaF2 host is analyzed with the high-resolution VUV spectroscopy technique using synchrotron radiation. It was shown that vibronic structure in the emission and excitation spectra of interconfigurational transitions in Gd3+ and Lu3+ ions doped into CaF2 differs from that observed for Ce3+ ions entering mainly at the tetragonal (C4v) sites. However, the exact types of sites in which the Gd3+ and Lu3+ ions reside in the CaF2 lattice cannot be identified basing only on obtained experimental spectroscopic data. This work was supported by the RFBR Grant 05-02-1730, the Estonian Science Foundation Grant 6538 and the European Community Research Infrastructure Action within the FP6 Program through the Contract RII3-CT-2004-506008 (IA-SFS). PACS: 78.55.Hx, 71.70.Ch, 63.20.Kr, 78.47.+p
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