Study of the microstructure of phosphors for laser lighting devices
Zuev S. M. 1, Kretushev A. V. 1
1MIREA - Russian Technological University, Moscow, Russia

A brief description is given of phosphors from various manufacturers that can be used in lighting devices with laser injection in the range of 400-480 nm. An estimate of their energy output and inertia is given. The necessity of studying various types of luminescence to optimize the characteristics of phosphor lighting devices is described. It is known that the optical characteristics of laser lighting devices depend on the quality of the phosphor. However, at the moment there are no well-established methods for studying phosphors for compliance with the requirements for brightness, luminous flux, and thermal degradation. One of these methods can be microscopy, which allows you to study the microstructure of samples. The paper considers a method for determining the geometric and optical parameters of individual phosphor particles used for laser lighting devices using microscopy. On the example of a fine suspension of phosphors, images were obtained and some optical parameters of individual particles with diameters from 40 to 150 nm were determined. The conducted studies demonstrate the high resolution of the microscopy method, which can be used to visualize phosphor particles. Keywords:phosphor, energy efficiency, microscopy, lighting device, optoelectronic devices and systems. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.03.56185.4616-22
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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