Characteristic features of the low-frequency region of infrared spectra and a cluster model of the structure of liquids
Melnikov G. A.1, Ignatenko N. M.1, Boldyrev K. N.2, Manzhos O. A.1, Gromkov A. S.1
1Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia
2Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia

The results of experimental and theoretical studies of the low-frequency region of infrared spectra and Raman scattering spectra in liquid cyclic hydrocarbons (arenes) and their halogen-substituted ones are analyzed. The results of experimental studies of 13 liquids in the range 20-700 cm-1 using a high-resolution all-wavelength vacuum Fourier spectrometer (Bruker IFS 125 HR) are presented. It is shown that the appearance of spectral bands in the low-frequency region (the region of the "boson" peak) of the infrared spectra of liquids is due to the formation and decay of cluster formations in the structure of the liquid. Keywords: infrared spectra, hydrocarbons (arenes), spectral bands, cluster model, "boson" peak. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.03.56184.4535-22
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