Theory of Frenkel Excitons in Planar Arrays of Perovskite Quantum Dots*
Vovk I.A.1, Tepliakov N.V.1, Baimuratov A.S.1, Leonov M.Yu.1, Baranov A.V.1, Fedorov A.V.1, Rukhlenko I.D.1
1Information Optical Technologies Center, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia

Поступила в редакцию: 6 июля 2018 г.
Выставление онлайн: 20 октября 2018 г.
Of primary interest for the design of novel optoelectronic devices are densely packed ordered arrays of quantum dots (QDs), which can be produced via self-assembly or other nanofabrication techniques. In such arrays, also known as supercrystals, the interaction between the QDs results in a collective optical response. Despite the active research on arrays made of perovskite QDs, a rigorous theory of their collective excitations is still lacking. In this Paper, we develop a quantum-mechanical theory of Frenkel excitons in planar perovskite QD arrays with square lattice. -18
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