Comparative analysis of the effect of experimental models of light desynchronosis on the platelet aggregation activity
Zlobina O. V. 1, Kirichuk V. F. 1, Pakhomy S. S. 1, Ivanov A. N. 1, Terekhina E. S. 1, Shlyapnikov N. V. 1, Bugaeva I. O. 1
1Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, Saratov, Russia

The effect of different models of artificial light exposure on the aggregation activity of platelets of white male rats using a continuous Light-Light (LL) lighting model and models with alternating Light-Dark (12:10) and Light-Dark (18:6) light and dark modes was studied. Analysis of platelet aggregation activity was performed with a computerized 230LA "Biola" aggregation analyzer using the method of V.A. Gabbasov. It was found that under light exposure in the body of laboratory animals there is an increase of platelet aggregation activity accompanied by an increase in the parameters of the weighted average radius curve and the parameters of the light transmittance curve. Alteration of circadian rhythms in the form of impaired photoperiodism leads to an increase in platelet aggregation activity and provokes the development of microcirculatory disorders. The most conspicuous changes in the microcirculatory bloodstream by day 10 of the experiment are formed with the use of the Light-Dark (18:6) model. Keywords: platelet aggregation, circadian rhythms, light exposure, photoperiodism disturbance, microcirculatory disorders. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.06.56672.116-23
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