Characteristics of a silicon carbide field emission array under pre-breakdown conditions
Morozov V.A. 1, Egorov N.V. 1, Trofimov V.V. 1, Nikiforov K.A. 1, Zakirov I.I. 2, Kats V.M. 1, Ilyin V.A. 3, Ivanov A.S. 3
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St. Petersburg, Russia
3St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI", St. Petersburg, Russia

This study assesses promising field electron sources based on silicon carbide monolithic field emission array (FEA). FEA is fabricated on single-crystal wafers of silicon carbide (0001C) 6H-SiC of n-type conductivity using the technology of two-stage reactive ion etching in SF6/O2/Ar atmosphere. To implement conditions close to breakdown, an experimental setup based on high-voltage narrow pulses generating device GKVI-300 was used. A series of nanosecond voltage pulses with amplitudes from 120 to 250 kV was generated. To study the characteristics of the FEA in the pre-breakdown state, the beam of field emitted electrons was separated from the ion torch or cathode plasma, formed in the following breakdown phases, by placing a 50-μm-thick titanium foil under zero potential into the interelectrode gap. Current-voltage characteristics of peak-currents vs. peak-voltages passing through the foil are close to rectilinear in the Fowler-Nordheim coordinates. The current-voltage characteristics plotted for each of the pulses along increasing and decreasing branches show a discrepancy (hysteresis). After the experiments, the silicon carbide cathode FEA was studied in a scanning electron microscope. Keywords: field electron emission, field emitter array, silicon carbide, pre-breakdown, high-voltage narrow pulses.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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