Statistical evaluation of the characteristics of damaged solar panels of spacecraft
Abdurahimov А.А.1, Levandovich A.V.1
1A.F. Mozhaysky's Military-Space Academy, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The change in the characteristics of a solar battery as a result of a random abrupt change in the properties of individual solar cells, which occurred as a result of a single or systematic impact of adverse factors in near-Earth outer space, is considered. The choice of the calculation scheme for constructing a model of a single solar cell is substantiated. For this situation, analytical mathematical models of typical connections of solar cells have been developed. Using the developed models, the current-voltage and volt-watt characteristics of the solar battery are analyzed in the case of an abrupt decrease in the photocurrent of solar cells with different probabilities. A statistical analysis of the characteristics of damaged solar cells was carried out using simplified logical-analytical models with the introduced circuit loss coefficient. Estimates of the values of the coefficient of circuit losses for typical schemes for connecting solar cells are given. Keywords: solar cell, voltage characteristic, functioning model, damaged solar battery.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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