Study on the effect of low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma jet on the morphofunctional properties of living tissues (in vivo)
Giraev K. M. 1,2, Ashurbekov N. A. 1, Israpov E. Kh. 1,2, Shakhsinov G. Sh. 1, Abdulaev V. R.1, Rabadanov K. M. 1, Isaeva Z. M. 1
1Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Dagestan Republic, Russia
2Amirkhanov Institute of Physics, Daghestan Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia

The results of spectral-fluorescent and diffuse-optical studies of living tissues under the effect of low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma jet in a mixture of air and argon are presented. Potential fluorophores are identified and coefficients of optical absorption and transport scattering of tissues are determined. It was revealed plasma jet irradiation of tissue leads to an increase in the intensity of fluorescence and the diffuse reflection coefficient, which is linked with a twofold increase in the transport scattering coefficient and a change in the concentration of endogenous chromophores - a reducing water content, lipids and bilirubin to 20%, and an increasing levels of oxygen saturation to 10%. On the basis of the analysis, it is shown that the therapeutic effect of low-temperature plasma can be associated with increased antioxidant protection and the development of compensatory dehydration processes. Keywords: biological tissues, cold plasma, probing, spectroscopy, fluorescence, diffuse reflection, optical coefficients, light scattering, biochemistry, morphology.
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