Highly efficient generation of squeezed states of light based on Laguerre-Gaussian modes in a cavity
Bashmakova E. N.1, Vashukevich E. A.1, Golubeva T. Yu. 1, Golubev Yu. M. 1
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: bashmakova.elizaveta@mail.com

Today, the efficient generation of squeezed states of light seems to be a significant practical problem for various quantum-optical and information applications. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the generation of states based on the Laguerre-Gaussian light modes in the parametric down conversion due to the optimal choice of the cavity configuration. Analyzing the Heisenberg-Langevin equations for the eigenmodes of the system, we estimate the influence of the geometric parameters of the pump beam and the idler and signal beams on the efficiency of generation of squeezed states and on the degree of squeezing. The calculation for a finite number of modes has shown that the highest theoretically possible degree of squeezing in the system is 15.85 dB. Keywords: squeezed light, Laguerre-Gaussian modes, orbital angular momentum, optimization of PDC geometric parameters.
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