Ivanov Sergey Viktorovich

Sergey Viktorovich Ivanov has been working at the A.F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology since 1983, after graduating with honours from LETI, successively in positions from research trainee to Head of Laboratory and Director of the Institute (last position since 06.08.2019). Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences since 1989, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences since 2000, Professor by speciality since 2012. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2022. Being the Director of the Institute, he simultaneously manages the Laboratory of Quantum-Scale Heterostructures and the topic of the State Assignment "Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Quantum-Scale Heterostructures", within the framework of which about 50 researchers (including 7 doctors and 30 candidates of sciences) work. His laboratory carried out research under initiative and international RFBR projects, RNF projects: support of existing laboratories (2014-2018) and conducting research by world-class scientific laboratories (2019-2022), FPI projects on the development of single and indistinguishable photon sources based on quantum dots (QDs) (2016-2021), international contracts.

The main direction of S.V. Ivanov's scientific activity is fundamental and applied research of physics and technology of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) of semiconductor low-dimensional heterostructures of А3В5 and А2В6 compounds, heterovalent structures based on them, as well as А3-nitrides in order to create new opto-, micro- and spin-electronic devices.

In the late 80's and early 90's of the last century he carried out a set of theoretical and experimental studies on the development of the fundamentals of IPE technology of semiconductor heterostructures А3В5. A self-consistent thermodynamic description of physicochemical processes of growth, doping, segregation phenomena, and defect formation during MIE of AlGaAs heterostructures was developed, on the basis of which optimised technological modes of growing ultra-low-threshold laser diodes (LDs) by separate confinement with AlGaAs/GaAs quantum wells with a world record threshold current density of ~40A/cm2 (300K) were proposed and implemented, the first in the country heterostructures of microwave NEMT-transistors were created.

Currently, S.V. Ivanov's laboratory is developing the technology of MEM heterostructures of wide-gap semiconductor materials ZnMgSSe/ZnCdSeTe on GaAs and InAs substrates with a complex elastic stress profile, including studies of nanostructures with self-forming quantum dots (QDs) CdSe and CdTe for lasers in the visible spectral range and single-photon sources, as well as magnetic heterostructures for spintronic applications. In the 90s, he and his colleagues carried out priority research on the creation of LDs with CdSe CTs and made a significant contribution to understanding the causes of degradation of ZnSe-based LDs. Low-threshold heterostructures for high-power blue-green lasers with electron-beam pumping and injection laser converters А2В63N in the range of 500-590 nm for navigation, location and projection laser television systems were obtained, fundamental results on spin injection and relaxation in magnetic А2В6 heterostructures were obtained.

Another important area of research is the development of MEM technology and the design of narrow-gap AlGaAsSb/InAsSb nanoheterostructures to create lasers and photodetectors of the mid-IR range (2-5 μm), microwave NEMT transistors based on InAs and InSb. For the first time a new class of type II semiconductor nanostructures - InSb CTs in InAsSb, promising for the active region of lasers and light-emitting diodes of the mid-infrared range, was obtained and investigated; a set of works on transferring this technology to GaAs substrates using metamorphic buffer structures was carried out. The original idea of creating hybrid monolithic А3В52В6 heterostructures with heterovalent interface in the active region put forward and realised by S.V. Ivanov in practice opened the prospects of obtaining new coherent semiconductor heterostructures for photonic and spintronic applications with unique possibilities of zone design. For the first time in the world, a set of studies on the MEM technology, electronic and chemical structure of А3В52В6 heterovalent interfaces and physical applications of А2-Mn-В63В5 hybrid structures with tunnelling-bonded magnetic and non-magnetic cores were carried out, and the formation of magnetic electron gas in them was demonstrated. In recent years, active work has been carried out to create sources of single and indistinguishable photons of a wide spectral range (500-1300 nm) based on heterostructures with InAs, CdSe and CdTe QDs for applications in optical quantum computing systems and cryptographic systems in optical communication lines.

Since 1997, S.V. Ivanov's group has been carrying out national priority research in the field of physics and technology of plasma-activated (PA) IPE of A3-nitride heterostructures, which are fundamentally important for blue-green and deep-UV photonics. Pioneering studies on the preparation of epitaxial films of InN and determination of its fundamental properties were carried out. The fundamentals of the technology of MEM technology of PA structures with AlGaN/GaN cores - the basis for the development of photonic technologies of the mid- and deep-UV range: light-emitting diodes, lasers and solar-blind photodetectors - were developed, and the world-priority results were obtained.

S.V. Ivanov is a highly qualified specialist in the field of physics and technology of quantum-dimensional heterostructures, one of the leading specialists in the world in the field of MEM technology. He is the author of 610 articles in leading Russian and international scientific journals, 9 patents and 10 chapters in books published in the USA, Sweden, Germany, Great Britain and Russia. The results of S.V. Ivanov's group are widely known to the Russian and world scientific community: he has made about 45 invited and plenary reports at leading international and Russian conferences. The Hirsch index is 34, the total number of citations is more than 7500. The works performed by S.V. Ivanov and his group have repeatedly won at the competitions of the best papers of Ioffe Institute (1998 - 2014), were reported at the meetings of OFN RAS. He is a laureate of the A.F. Ioffe Prize. A.F. Ioffe Prize (1999, 2017), winner of the J.I. Alferov Prize (nomination nanotechnology) of the Government of St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences for outstanding scientific results in science and technology (2020). He was awarded the gratitude of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the occasion of the 275th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Diploma of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2013), and the medal "For Contribution to the Implementation of State Policy in the Field of Scientific and Technological Development" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (2021).

S.V. Ivanov combines administrative and scientific work with scientific, organizational and pedagogical activities. Since 2014, he has been an RNF expert, reviewer of a large number of international journals. From 2004 to 2019 he was the chairman and organizer of five regular international conferences and symposia PLMCN4, II-VI-2009, ISGN4, EuroMBE-2019, IWUMD4. For the last 18 years he has represented the country in the Program and Coordinating Committees of the largest regular international conferences in the main areas of his research. He is a professor at St. Petersburg State Technical University (2004-2018), Academic University (2007-2015), and he is the Head of the base department of Ioffe Institute at the National Research University HSE-SPb (since 2020). Under his supervision, 7 PhD theses were defended at Ioffe Institute.


Ioffe Institute

Institute Officers:

Director: Sergei V. Ivanov

Contact us:

26 Polytekhnicheskaya, Saint Petersburg 194021, Russian Federation
Fax: +7 (812) 297 1017
Phone: +7 (812) 297 2245
E-mail: post@mail.ioffe.ru