Thermoelectric Properties of Single Crystals of Bismuth-Arsenic-Tellurium Solid Solutions
Apreleva A. S.1, Kytin V. G.1, Kulbachinskii V. A. 1
1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Faculty, Department of low temperature and superconductivity, Moscow, Russia

The thermoelectric properties of single-crystal samples of bismuth-arsenic-tellurium solid solutions Bi2-xAsxTe3 (0≤ x≤0.10) synthesized by the Bridgman method were studied in the temperature range 77<T<330 K. It was found that the conductivity decreases, and the Seebeck coefficient initially increases significantly and then decreases in Bi2-xAsxTe3 solid solutions with increasing x. The thermal conductivity of samples with As decreases compared to the original bismuth telluride at T<250 K and increases slightly at T>250 K. As a result, the maximum thermoelectric figure of merit ZT shifts from temperature of 300 K to temperature of 250 K with an increase in the As content. Keywords: Seebck effect, thermoconductivity, termolectrical figure of merit, bismuth telluride.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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