Selective area epitaxy of InP/GaInP2 quantum dots from metal-organic compounds
Vlasov A.S. 1, Afanasev K.M.1, Galimov A.I.1, Kalyuzhnyy N.A.1, Lebedev D.V.1, Malevskaya A.V.1, Mintairov S.A.1, Rakhlin M.V.1, Salii R.A.1, Mozharov A.M.2, Mukhin I.S.2, Mintairov A.M.1,3
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Alferov University, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
3Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, IN, US

Experiments on the growth of self-assembled InP/GaInP2 quantum dots in dielectric mask 0.1-1 μm apertures by MOVPE epitaxy have been carried out. A sequence of operations for the implementation of the lift-off lithography method is proposed and implemented. The possibility of obtaining apertures with 100 nm diameter and less is shown. Combination of thermally deposited SiO2 and wet etching is shown to produce minimal amount of nonradiative defects and results in a stable PL signal from single QDs in the aperture. Keywords: InP quantum dots, selective area epitaxy, MOVPE epitaxy.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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