Stability of stationary solutions for the mode with charged particles reflection from the potential barriers in the electron-positron plasma diode
Bakaleinikov L. A.1, Kuznetsov V.I.1, Flegontova E. Yu.1, Barsukov D.P.1, Morozov I. K.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The stability features of plasma steady-states in the diode with counter flows of electrons and positrons are studied numerically for the case when portion of the particles is reflected from potential barriers and returns to the electrode. The solutions are constructed for the non-monoenergetic particle velocity distribution function. It has been established that solutions with reflection of particles from potential barriers located near the emitting electrodes are stable when the interelectrode distance is less than some threshold value. All other solutions are unstable. Keywords: Plasma diode, electron and positron beams, solution stability.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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