Application of dense plasma of electron cyclotron resonance discharge for production of positive and negative hydrogen ions
Skalyga V. A.1, Izotov I. V.1, Vybin S. S.1, Golubev S. V.1, Polyakov A. V.1, Kiseleva E. M.1, Lapin R. L.1
1Federal Research Center A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

One of the promising sources of high-current beams of positive and negative ions could to be a discharge maintained under electron cyclotron resonance conditions in open magnetic traps with powerful radiation in the millimeter wavelength range. Development of pulsed and continuous sources of positive ions of hydrogen isotopes with record characteristics of the quality and composition of the formed beams have being conducted at the IAP RAS. The latest results on ion beams generation for injection into accelerators were obtained at experimental facilities SMIS 37 and GISMO. Currently, the option of upgrading such systems for obtaining beams of negative ions is under investigations. Keywords: electron cyclotron discharge, gyrotron, hydrogen ion beams.
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