144Ce-144Pr electron antineutrino spectrum measurement with silicon semiconductor detectors
Derbin A. V.1, Drachnev I. S. 1, Kotina I. M. 1, Muratova V. N.1, Niyazova N. V.1, Semenov D. A.1, Trushin M. V.1, Unzhakov E. V.1
1Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Gatchina, Russia
Email: derbin_av@pnpi.nrcki.ru, drachnev_is@pnpi.nrcki.ru, niyazova_nv@pnpi.nrcki.ru

In this work we present β-spectrum studies for 144Ce-144Pr source spectra with endpoint energy of 2997 keV. The spectral studies were performed with two spectrometer types: target-detector scheme and a 4π spectrometer. The spectra were fitted with the spectrometer response functions derived through Monte-Carlo simulations. As a result of the study, we have derived the nuclear shape factor necessary for the β-spectrum calculation. The obtained parameters of the shape factor arge between the spectrometers within statistical uncertainties. Also, we have evaluated electron antineutrino spectrum of 144Pr decay with the most precise up to date rate expected for IBD on protons of (0.47091±0.00003stat+0.00022syst)·10-43 cm2 decay-1. Keywords: β-decay, beta-decay, 144Ce-144Pr, neutrino.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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