Study of hybrid photovoltaic module characteristics under local nonuniformity of irradiation and partial shading
Emelyanov V. M. 1, Levina S. A. 1, Nakhimovich M.V. 1, Shvarts M. Z. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The effect of shading and locally increased irradiance of a planar circuit based on c-Si solar cells (SCs) as part of a hybrid photovoltaic module was investigated. It was found out that the magnitude and orientation of the shadow on the surface of c-Si SCs lead to a change in its efficiency within 1 abs.%, which may be explained by a change in the balance of resistive losses. The presence of high-irradiance areas on the surface of c-Si SCs up to 5 mm in diameter (which matches the size of the concentrator A3B5 SC) does not have a noticeable effect on the planar circuit yield which remains close to the values characteristic of the conversion of diffuse radiation only. Keywords: hybrid concentrator-planar photovoltaic module, multijunction solar cell, planar photoconverter, diffusely scattered radiation, shading.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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