Light-induced generation of dark dissipative envelope solitons in an active ring resonator based on a bicomponent magnonic crystal ferromagnetic-semiconductor"
Bir A. S. 1, Morozova M. A. 1, Romanenko D. V. 1, Nikitov S. A. 1,2, Grishin S. V. 1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
2Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Light-induced generation of the dark dissipative envelope solitons has been carried out in a microwave active ring resonator containing a nonlinear bicomponent magnonic crystal (BMC). The BMC is an yttrium iron garnet film, on the surface of which there is a one-dimensional periodic structure of thin semiconductor strips of silicon (Si). Illumination of the BMC with a laser beam leads to a shift in the band gap frequency of the BMC due to the change in the Si conductivity. It is a cause the generation of dark (gray) dissipative envelope solitons through the four-wave nonlinear spin-wave interactions. Keywords: magnonic crystals, semiconductors, dissipative solitons, spin waves.
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