Negative Mach Reflection with Multiple Three-Shock Configurations for Shock Wave Diffraction on a Wedge
Georgievskiy P. Yu. 1, Maksimov A. N.1, Fokeev V. P. 1
1Institute of Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Within the framework of the Euler equations, a numerical study of the structure of a self-similar flow for various types of negative Mach reflection during diffraction of a shock wave by a wedge is performed. Along with the known modes of double and triple Mach reflection, a qualitatively new mode of negative Mach reflection with multiple three-shock configurations is observed. Peculiarities of the transition from multiple Mach reflection to regular reflection when changing the wedge angle are noted. Keywords: shock wave, three-shock configuration, double Mach reflection, negative Mach reflection
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