The application of supplementary fuels for the control of supersonic reacting air-fuel mix flows in the combustion chamber
Kolosenok S.V.1,2, Kuranov A.L.1, Savarovskiy A.A.1, Bulat P.V.2, Galadzhun A.A.2, Levihin A.A.2, Nikitenko A.B.2
1JSC “Hypersonic systems research enterprise”, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEKH" named after Marshal D. F. Ustinov, St. Petersburg, Russia

Besides gas-dynamic methods, chemical ones are also suitable for the implementation of stable supersonic combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. Organoelemental compounds are known for their high reactivity, so attention was paid to organosilicon liquid during the research on the experimental model. The obtained estimates of the laminar flame speed in a mixture of vapors of this liquid with air were 0.72-0.8 m/s, which is higher than that of ethylene successfully used in supersonic combustion tests. The tested compound can be considered as a candidate for supplementary fuel to control the supersonic reactive flows in the combustion chambers of ramjet engines. Keywords: supersonic combustion, supplementary fuels, laminar flame speed, combustion efficiency
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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